Abolition Is…

Study Series

Alongside uplifting the imaginings of young abolitionists through our feature page, we invite you to use this platform as an expansive educational space that empowers you to both engage with existing abolitionist thought and formulate your own abolitionist vision...

To this end, we’ve created the Abolition Is… Study Series: an evolving constellation of resources designed for expanded study.

Honoring and drawing from the Black Radical Tradition, we understand “study” to encompass a vast spectrum of active, ongoing, and collective practices. While traditional sites of study often center schools and universities, we propose an alongside, outside kind of study that happens against, beneath, and beyond traditional institutions for learning. Because being a student of abolition involves co-creating spaces for learning, we invite you to join us in study.

Each resource in our Study Series comes with a corresponding “engagement material” created by a member (or members!) of Abolition Is… Designed for students by students, these materials are our contribution to the ever-growing ecosystem of existing resources for abolitionist organizing and theorizing. These materials contain everything from reflection questions and creative prompts to vocabulary lists and helpful summaries—all developed with the goal of deepening and broadening our perspectives and critiques. We know nothing worth doing is done alone, so we encourage you to engage our Study Series both on your own and in community with others (e.g. friends, neighbors, loved ones, comrades).

This platform is sustained by our thoughts, ideas, and reflections, and this page will continue to grow, expand, and change to reflect the fluidity and dynamism of our abolitionist dreams. We invite you to use what is here in your own way, to move at your own pace, and to connect with us to share suggestions, contributions, questions, or additions! The Abolition Is… Study Series is active, alive, and growing, so stay tuned for essays, recordings, artwork, poetry, and more...